School ERP

Pariksha pe Charcha live at Bharat Mandapam

The School feels proud to share that 18 of our students were chosen to witness the much awaited Seventh episode of Pariksha pe Charcha live at Bharat Mandapam.  It was a wonderful opportunity for the students as they got exam tips from our enterprising Prime Minister. PM Modi addressed all the queries and various delicate subjects that concerned students' lives and threw light on the solutions. 

He delved at length on the need to be physically fit and give importance to exercises. He also shared insights on how gadgets and social media could prove to be a boon if used for the right purposes and gave tips to teachers to use the same as a classroom methodology. It was an enriching experience for the students who attended it live. 

However, the students who could not be part of the live interaction, were part of PPC 2024 through online mode as they watched the live streaming of the event.