School ERP

Rules & Regulations


  • Wearing I-Card is mandatory for students. In case of loss of I-card another I-card will be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-
  • Punctuality and regularity in attendance is of utmost importance A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory to be eligible to appear in the examination.
  • Students who have been absent the previous day must bring a note of explanation through 'Record of Non-attendance' page of the almanac without fail. In case of illness, a Medical Certificate should also be attached. Students who expect to reach home late after the school due to personal reasons must inform their parents/guardians in advance.
  • Entry into School premises is not permitted before 7:30a.m. and after 7:50 a.m. However, late arrival till 8:00a.m. will be permitted only three times in a year.
  • Students must come to School in neatly laundered uniform and polished shoes. The hair should be trimmed and combed neatly The nails must be cut regularly. Girls with long hair should make plaits. Skirts should be worn knee-length.
  • Students are not allowed to use the school phones without permission.
  • Respect for school property and school belongings is an absolute must.
  • In the event of collective damage to School property in class room, the entire class will be charged the cost of damage.
  • A vigilant outlook should be maintained towards keeping the surround
  • A student must speak in decent language all the time. One must ensure that the speech is courteous and polite.
  • Students are expected to bring the text books/notebooks according to the time-table.
  • Any communication sent in the school almanac from the school teacher must be acknowledged by the parent/guardian.
  • Students are not allowed to receive private tuition from the teachers of the school.
    While taking the examination, every scholar should do so with utmost honesty and refrain from using unfair means.
  • English is second language for most of us, but it is also a medium of instruction. In order to acquire proficiency in spoken English, all students must compulsorily converse in English in School (and at home as far as possible).
  • A student must extend due courtesy and respect to all staff members. Respect of elders and affection for juniors should be soundly inculcated. Every child is expected to uphold the name & honour of the school.
    Cheering and clapping are allowed on playground at appropriate times.
  • Bullying is strictly prohibited inside the school premises and no such act will go unnoticed or unpunished. Students must report any incident of bullying and ragging to the teachers immediately who would further forward it to Anti Bullying Committee.
  • In case of infectious diseases, the parents are required to keep the child at home till complete recovery. At the time of rejoining they should submit a medical certificate to the effect that the child is fit to rejoin. However, approval will still be subject to school authorities.


  • Use of illegal and obscene language against staff/students on Social media or cyberspace, and clicking pictures of teachers and students and unauthorized posting of them on the Web.
  • Public Display of Affection (or PDA) which includes indulging in physical contact but not limited to, intimate touching, hand holding, fondling, cuddling and kissing in school or a school sponsored activity between two students.
  • Irregular attendance, unjustified or unexplained absence, habitual late coming, leaving the school premises without permission, disobedience and any type of unruly and objectionable behaviour.
  • Writing, scratching, engraving graffiti, drawing and splashing ink or defacing the school walls, fumiture and property.
  • Gluing stickers and posters of any kind on the school property.
  • Use of foul and unparliamentary language.
  • Neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespectful behaviour towards members of staff or bad moral influence.
  • Buying eatables from street vendors.
  • Resorting to use of unfair means during examinations.
  • Participating in any incident of bullying and ragging.
  • Being in restricted areas, ground, empty class rooms, secluded areas, behind buildings (when class is on and without permission.)
  • Collecting money, contribution and donation without written permission of the Principal.
  • Smoking in and around the campus.

Important: No parent or student shall give misleading facts/opinions or any blog(s) to website, social media channel(s) about the school, any teacher or student. If they are defamatory in nature or deemed to be so by the Internal Review Committee, it would be considered as a serious breach of Code of Conduct.


  • Trinket, Jewellery, Tattoos and Mehendi.
  • Fancy hairband, nail, pointer, designer muffler and caps.
  • Objectionable literature or expensive items.
  • Cell phones, iPods, e-games, pen drives, cameras, music players, earphones, earpods obscene materials etc. Such articles will be confiscated and may be returned on payment of 5000/- as fine. The student found with such articles is liable to be suspended from school.
  • Gulal/colours of Holi, Crackers, fireworks, fire arms and any other inflammable material.
  • Gift of any kind for distribution in school even for birthdays.
  • Toys, any dangerous instrument, tobacco products, alcoholic drinks, chewing gum, banned food items. D.


  • School uniform pattern should be followed strictly.
  • School track suit with white Gola Sports Shoes is mandatory for students of Classes XI & XII who have opted for physical Education.
  • Students must wear washed and ironed uniform on school days and Educational excursions.
  • House uniform is mandatory to be worn by all students on CCA days.


  • All students of the school are members of the library.
  • Strict discipline and silence should be observed in the library.
  • Library books should be taken care of and returned on the due date.
  • Marking, underlining, writing or damaging pages of the books are strictly prohibited.
  • Aclearance certificate is to be obtained from the librarian before applying for Transfer Certificate
  • The information regarding the issuance of books can be viewed in the ERP Portal by the guardian.


  • Late fine after 7 days: Re. 1/- per day.
  • Loss of book: to be replaced with same book or current cost of book to be paid.

F. MEDICAL AID: The school has a well-equipped medical room.

  • Acomprehensive annual medical checkup of each child is done by qualified doctors to monitor the child's physical growth. A medical card to record the health status and growth of the child is maintained and a report thereof is sent to the parents for information and necessary action.
  • First aid treatment is given by a medical team in case of accidents and emergencies.
  • Parents are informed immediately and may be intimated to take their ward home.
  • While the school assures all possible precautions and care, the School management will not be responsible for any adverse consequences.


All our considerations are in favour of child, his or her safety, well being and good education. All rules have been framed keeping that in view.

  • All Parents whose wards are commuting to and fro school by privately arranged vehicles are required to ensure and verify that the crew of private vehicle operators possesses the character and antecedent verification report from the police authorities. The School would not be accountable for the same.
  • During extra classes, parents shall make arrangements for their wards to reach the school and to be picked.
  • Books, notebooks, lab manuals etc. need to be covered and maintained neatly. Worksheets should be maintained neatly in the given portfolio.
  • Parents who shift their residence have to officially inform the School about the same so that proper changes are made in the School records. It is mandatory that this procedure is carried out personally by parents themselves and not through correspondence or through their children.
  • If a student loses the almanac, she/he will have to purchase a new almanac.
  • For all the official communication/circulars/e-results/updates Parents to visit the School's online portal. Parents can also download the mobile application from Google Play Store by searching the school name.


  • Students cannot be called to the School office to attend to phone calls during school hours.
  • Parents are requested not to compel the teachers to give private tuitions to their ward as it is not permitted.
  • Scholar's personal record & medical history in duplicate must be filled by the parents and submitted to the class teacher on the first working day itself.
  • The school Almanac and ERP are used to keep you abreast of the day to day progress of your child; her/his assignments and keep in contact with her/his teachers.
  • The almanac should be checked by the parents every day and assignments should be completed by the child regularly.
  • The class teacher should be informed if there is any change in address or telephone number. The changes should be recorded in the almanac as well.
  • Visitor entry is through digitised system at school gate and all parents and visitors are requested to co-operate.
  • Parents/Guardians are not permitted to enter classrooms to meet their children or to seek unscheduled meetings with teachers during school hours.
  • The parents and visitors will not be granted permission to meet any school staff during 7:50am to 8:00am,
    08:30am to 9:20pm, 12:30pm to 1:20pm & 1:50pm to 2:20pm to help ease student movement.
  • Personal belongings like lunch box, water bottle ete should not be handed over at the gate or reception be handed over to students.
  • Personal celebrations are not allowed in the school, so parents should not send eatables of any form(inclusive of cakes, sweets etc.) except for toffees on birthdays.
  • Any communication with the school should be written and email is the most preferred form of communication.
  1. RIS, Patna:
  2. IPS, Indirapuram:
  3. IPS,Crossings Republik:
  4. IPS, Patna:
  5. IPS, Pratap Vihar:
  • Parents are requested to visit the school website/ERP portal regularly for updates (especially for non-scheduled holidays).


  • A student must not remain absent without prior permission of the Principal. A leave application is to be submitted for the same. The parent/guardian can also apply for the same through ERP Portal.
  • If a student remains absent from School, due to illness or emergency, even for a day, the parent needs to fill in the 'Non Attendance Record' in the School almanac.
  • If the leave is for more than three days, a student needs to submit a leave application.
  • Leave application and leave record should be duly signed by the parents or guardian.
  • Half days and short leaves are not granted to students.


  • Motorized modes of transportation such as scooters and motor cycles are strictly prohibited keeping in mind the child's safety as well as the illegality involved in permitting an underage child to use these means.
  • Students can avail the School transport in consent with the School authorities subject to availability of seats.
  • Students availing the transport arrangement are required to obtain a Bus Pass from the School office on payment of stipulated bus fees. Parents/Students must carry the pass daily for inspection by the School authorities/bus conductors.
  • The School does not entertain any request for change in bus route to suit an individual's convenience at the cost of time and distance. Parents are requested to study the specified routes and opt for the one which suits them the best.
  • Change of Bus Stop for a day or a week is not entertained. As a rule, such requests should not be made.
  • In case of any emergency, Parents should take their child personally from the School with the prior permission of the Principal. It will be appreciated if such information is sent to the School in advance through an application.
  • Students are not permitted to travel by any other bus except the one allotted to them. The students are expected to reach their pick-up point at least 5 minutes before the arrival time of the
  • Parents are not allowed to travel in the school bus except on the first day of the School. Bus charges are payable for 11 months (April to February) as per the approved bus fee rates along with other School fees/dues.
  • Bus monitors and teacher incharges/route incharges are responsible for orderly behaviour in the bus. They must ensure that only those Students who hold a valid bus pass will travel in the bus. Indiscipline and damage to bus while travelling will result in withdrawal of the bus facility. 10. Parents are requested to co-operate with the School by ensuring that their child travelling in the bus reports at the pickup point well on time, carry their Bus Pass & Identity Card. They should behave in a disciplined way in the interest of their own safety as well as of the other users.
  • Children using their own transport should be dropped and picked up on time by the parents/escorts (authorized by parents).
  • In case of loss of original Bus Pass a duplicate Pass will be issued on payment of Rs 20/-.
  • Bus facility is chargeable for the whole month, irrespective of the number of days services have been availed.
  • No one is allowed to withdraw bus facility with effect from October to March except in the case of change of address or withdrawal from the School. To withdraw the bus facility, one month advance written notice has to be given to the Principal.
  • In case of breakdown of the bus or failure to ply on specific day, parents shall make arrangements for their ward to reach the School.
  • At the end of every academic year, parents are required to apply (latest by 15th March) in writing to the office if they wish to withdraw the bus facility, failing which bus charge will be charged from April as per approved rates.
  • In case of any problem regarding bus, Transport incharge/incharges may be contacted.
  • Most importantly, we expect parents and guardians to be cordial and polite with the staff of the school. We solicit your whole hearted co-operation in all our endeavours.

Following directives would be applicable in case of blended/online learning.

The staff at IPS is committed to provide hassle free learning to our students under any circumstance and have been keeping up the commitment despite all odds. To bridge the learning gap created due to any pandemic and to make our students excel in academics, the schools have been imparting education in online/blended mode optimally, looking at the directives/situation, thus striving to provide students the best of both face-to-face and online learning experiences.

  • During virtual classes the students must attend all classes including class teachers period wear school uniform, complete assignments and submit on time, keep their bags ready according to time table, interact, stay alert, report their absence to class teachers with reason is case not attending classes.
  • The complete field of education has undergone a massive transformation with mass digitalization & NEP 2020 and in order to move with evolving pace of the world, special assemblies/Days, workshops, competitions, counseling sessions etc are organized online. Students must make use of these events, actively participate and put their best foot forward.

IPS endeavours to optimize learning through real world experiences, in addition to classroom experiences too. It is in this spirit and cooperation that we bring to you this almanac to provide a clear understanding of what the school represents.


School fee is payable on quarterly basis and should be paid at the beginning of each quarter i.e. 3 months fee at a time as per details given below:-

Quater Period Of Payment Last Date Of Payment Period Of Payment With Fine
April To June 1st To 10th April 10th April 11th To 30th April
June To September 1st To 10th July 10th July 11th To 31th July
October To December 1st To 10th October 10th October 11th To 30th October
January To March 1st To 10th January 10th January 11th to 31th January


  • The fee cheques should be dropped in the cheque drop box available at the school gate till the last day of payment without fine of each quarter, after 01:00 p.m.
  • All school dues must be paid at the fee counter of the school by a crossed Local Cheque/Draft in favour of INDIRAPURAM PUBLIC SCHOOL (For Indirapuram, Pratap Vihar, Crossings Republic and Patna). The Cheque/Draft must contain Students name, Class, Section, Admission Number, Fathers Name Contact Number at the back side of the cheque/DD.
  • Online payment facilities are available through Payment Gateway through ERP only.
  • If the fee is not paid by the Last Date of Payment a fine of Rs. 10 per day including all holidays, will be charged from the Last Date of Payment till the day of payment of fee.
  • Cheque returned by the bank on which it is drawn, for any reason what so ever shall be treated as non-payment of dues and an additional amount of 300 shall be charged towards expenses along with the late fine and additional penalty as the case may be. In case of bounced cheques the fee including the Penalty would be accepted only through Demand draft.
  • Issuing of fee reminders is not mandatory for the school. It is the duty of the parents to deposit the fee as per the above schedule.
  • If the fee of a quarter is not paid by the last date in period of payment with fine the student will not be allowed to attend classes until an additional penalty of Rs.1000 is paid along with fine of 10 per day.
  • Any fee defaulter falling under Rule (5), shall be regularized only after the permission of the Principal.
  • All communication regarding fee are normally routed through the students. Parents are requested to make their ward aware in this regard.
  • No fee shall be treated as the current quarter fee or advance fee unless and until all previous fee dues are cleared in full.
  • The fee shall be payable for the entire month if the Student attends the School even for one day during the quarter.
  • Pupils may not be allowed to sit for any of the examination unless all dues of the School are paid up-to-date.
  • In case of loss of the original I CARD/BADGE/MARK SHEET, its duplicate would be issued on payment of 150/150/250 respectively.


One month prior notice is required for the issue of Transfer Certificate.

  • All dues must be cleared and books and other School property items returned before the child is withdrawn and Transfer certificate is obtained.
  • After issuing two written reminders urging compliance and in the event of the failure to comply, the ward's name will be struck off the rolls of the school without any further notice in the below mentioned cases:
  1. When parents fail to submit proper documents required as per School norms for admission of their wards, at the time of admission or anytime later, within the prescribed time and continues to stay in default, even after two notices in writing/through telephone to the parents.
  2. Parents whose wards suffer from any type of learning disability or have serious learning shortfall that requires special professional assessment, essential to enable the school to help them. In case the parents refuse to comply with the advice of the School it will be the sole responsibility of the parents for non achievement of learning milestones.


  • Duplicate T.C with fine of Rs.100/- would be issued for classes I-VIII [Application from parent is needed].
  • For classes IX to XII, duplicate T.C would be issued when in addition to the application a FIR/complaint letter from the police station is also submitted by the parent. A fine of Rs. 100 would also be applicable.


Inter branch transfers are permitted. Application for the same should be submitted to the Head of the current school and the newschool front office should be contacted to understand the new fee structure. The proceedings would be done as per the interbranch transfer policy - IGS